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Научно-методический семинар ЛФВЭ № 7-2024
27.06.2024 @ 11:00
1. «Study of TPC ROC chamber parameters for ROC + DAQ system operation at test setup. Results of TPC LV system monitoring»
Докладчик: Умна Гхонейм
Авторы: Умна Гхонейм, Виктор Чепурнов, Александр Пиляр, Денис Потапов, Степан Верещагин, Александр Рыбаков, Олег Фатеев, Сергей Запорожец
The MPD detector is one of two at NICA collider. The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main tracking and particle identification detector of MPD experiment. FE electronics for ROC chamber based on SAMPA chip and FPGA (for data collection and transmission). Charge sensitive amplifier of SAMPA chip has bandwidth with max at 1 MHz (ADC clock is 10 MHz). Optics and cooper links are used for data transmission (clocks are in the range from 100 MHz up to 2.5 Gbps). The TPC LV system is based on CAEN equipment, OPC UA server protocol and the Master SCADA 4D. LV power supplies operate at frequencies in the range of 100-125 kHz. Some frequencies and harmonics appeared in the SAMPA output signal. Electromagnetic environment around of the ROC chamber with running DAQ system was studied with vector analyzer. DAQ and SC systems monitoring was used for analysis also. Optimized values of some ROC chamber parameters are presented.
2. «The MPD-ITS project. Status and Perspectives»
Докладчик: Сесар Себаллос Санчес
The Inner Tracking System (ITS) of the Multipurpose Detector (MPD) will be a vertex silicon detector designed for the efficient registration of short-lived products of nucleus-nucleus interactions and it is planned to be built using the novel technology of monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) following the corresponding know-how and technological transfer from CERN’s ALICE-ITS upgrade project (ALICE-ITS2) to JINR to create a large-area MAPS-only tracker at NICA.
The project is being implemented as a collaboration of several institutions from Russia and China lead by JINR and the Central China Normal University (CCNU) respectively. This sophisticated and ambitious project represents equally the possibility of implementing at JINR the latest technology on components and production process, and the necessity of creatively overcoming the many obstacles for getting access to such technologies from Russia the current geopolitical conditions.
During the presentation current status of the multiple aspects of the project will be reviewed along with the perspectives for the use of the MAPS technology at NICA.