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Общелабораторный семинар ЛФВЭ
14.06.2024 @ 11:30
“Variation of the source velocity in collisions of 2.1 GeV protons with gold target”
Repoter: S. Avdeev (LHEP JINR)
One way to evaluate the degree of equilibration in the reaction and determine the average source velocity, is through invariant cross section analysis as a function of longitudinal and transverse velocity. In the present work the source characteristics of multifragmentation are investigated for the p + Au collisions at 2.1 GeV. Beam of 2.1 GeV protons was obtained from the Dubna superconducting accelerator NUCLOTRON. Source velocities of carbon and lithium fragments were measured with the 4π device FAZA. It was found that source velocities are decreasing with decreasing of the charge of fragment. Different explanations of this observation are discussed.
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