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Общелабораторный семинар ЛФВЭ
16.02.2024 @ 11:30
“Status of z-scaling: Search for new physics in high energy hadron production”
Докладчик: М.В.Токарев (ЛФВЭ ОИЯИ)
The present state of the z-scaling of hadron production in high energy proton and nucleus collisions is briefly reviewed. The basic concepts of the approach such as self-similarity, locality and fractality reflecting general features of particle interactions are discussed. Some results of analysis of hadron production in pp and AA collisions obtained in the framework of z-scaling are presented. The properties of data z-presentation for systematic analysis of inclusive cross sections over a wide range of collision energies, multiplicity densities, transverse momenta, and angles of various particles are discussed. A microscopic scenario of hadron production in terms of momentum fractions of colliding objects and scattered constituent is proposed. Physical interpretation of the model parameters – structural and fragmentation fractal dimensions and “specific heat”, is given. Universality of the form of the scaling function is discussed. Fractal entropy taking into account the structure of colliding and produced objects is considered. The notion of fractal cumulativity is introduced and a new conservation law for this quantity is formulated. Nontrivial dependence of the fractal entropy on the collision energy with decreasing transverse momentum was found. The corresponding irregularity of the specific heat is associated with possible indication of phase transition in nuclear matter. Experimental verification and development of the z-scaling are discussed.
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