Excursions at VBLHEP in 2024

In 2024, VBLHEP staff conducted 141 excursions to various Laboratory facilities (107 excursions in 2023), which was about 60% of the number of all excursions conducted at JINR.

In total, about 1,980 people paid a visit to VBLHEP (1,600 people in 2023), among which there were the following groups of tourists::

  • Teachers ~ 100 people,
  • Russian students ~ 430 people (mostly students of Dubna University)
  • International students ~ 120 people
  • Dubna schoolchildren ~ 170 people
  • Nonresident schoolchildren ~ 390 people

The most popular facilities for visit were MPD building + NICA collider (134 visits) and the Synchrophasotron building with the accelerators of the NICA complex HILAc+Booster+Nuclotron (106 visits).

All information about the number of excursions is taken from the website https://jinrex.jinr.ru, which is the official JINR platform for scheduling, coordinating and monitoring excursions.
D. Dryablov