The basic minimal program has been carried out at Booster: the team of the VBLHEP accelerator department has performed successfully all the main planned experiments with the beam and the Booster tuning in this first run. Further work continues, related to finer tuning of all systems and setting modes. An experiment to raise the field to design level is scheduled for early next week.
Booster tuning results for 12/26/2020:
- the operating point has been changed,
- circulation is adjusted (losses at the first six revolutions are about 10%),
- the lifetime of the beam on the injection table was measured,
- the capture on the table and acceleration was configured,
- the mode of injection into the growing field, acceleration and deceleration was set up (capture up to 60%, losses during acceleration only on the residual gas, integral pressure in the beam chamber at the level of 2-3 10-10 Torr)
The figure shows a PCT (Parametric Current Transformer) signal when injected into a growing field, capture, accelerating and decelerating. Capture in acceleration is about 60% (practical limit when capturing into a RF separatrix of constant size). There are no transient losses on the magnetic field table and after the table. All losses during acceleration and deceleration are determined only by the vacuum conditions in the Booster beam chamber.