On February 15, VBLHEP was visited by participants of the 135th session of the JINR Scientific Council taking place in Dubna. With great satisfaction, scientists noted the near completion of the assembly of the magnetic-cryostat system of the collider and the active preparation of cooling the superconducting solenoid of the MPD detector. But the main purpose of the event was to visit the measurement pavilion and open the applied research area on the extracted beams of the accelerator complex. E.M. Syresin introduced the guests to his team of creators of the new infrastructure. There are two facilities on the site – the SIMBO station (Station for Investigation of Medical Biological Objects), designed for fundamental research in the field of radiobiology, and the ISCRA station (Irradiation Station of Components of Radioelectronic Apparatus) – for irradiation of electronic apparatus. Although much remains to be done to put the stations into operation, the international collaboration ARIADNA (Applied Research Infrastructure for Advanced Developments at NICA facility) is already being formed for future users and interesting experiments are being carried out at the SOCHI (Station Of Chip Irradiation) station, as well as in beam parasitic mode behind the BM@N experiment.