Articles by Анна Рассадова

NICA Bulletin No6
“NICA Bulletin” No6, 2022 (PDF, 3.9 Mb)

The 96th anniversary of the birth of Academician A. M. Baldin
On 26 February, the 96th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding physicist Alexander Mikhailovich Baldin (1926-2001) is celebrated. He was the Director of JINR Laboratory […]

Results of Scientific and Methodological seminar on Applied Research at NICA
On January 26, 2022, a scientific and methodological seminar on applied research at the NICA complex was held at VBLHEP by Department of Scientific and […]

SOСHI is getting closer
The SOCHI station is designed for irradiating microchips at ion beams extracted from the HILAc. The beam transport channel to the SOCHI station is one […]

Prospects for cooperation discussed in Tashkent
On November 23-25, 2021, the VBLHEP delegation took part in the international conference “Modern problems of nuclear energetics and nuclear technologies” held in Tashkent (the […]

Interest does not fade
After the successful completion of the technological run of the Booster, a record number of guests have visited the accelerator complex of the Laboratory in […]

JINR launches Special Purpose Funding Programme within the NICA Megascience Project
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) announces the start of application submission for participation in the Pilot Program of Special-Purpose Funding for Research Teams […]

Moving 70-ton solenoid
On July 29, the unique operation to move the 70-ton superconducting solenoid to the yoke of the detector took place as part of the assembly […]

Documentary by RT TV channel “NICA project. Revealing the mystery of the Universe”
The documentary is about the progress in the construction, peculiarities of the complex, cooperation of Russian scientists with foreign colleagues – from CERN, first of all. […]