Dear colleagues, dear comrades!
With all my heart and on behalf of many of our colleagues, employees of the multinational Institute, I would like to congratulate you on the obtained first beam circulation in the Booster!
This is a truly historic event for the entire Institute! We have been waiting for a launch of a new modern superconducting synchrotron for many decades, and this is not an exaggeration. Even during the design of the Nuclotron in the 80s, it was planned to construct a Booster synchrotron. After the launch of the first superconducting synchrotron for relativistic nuclei, the Nuclotron, at LHE even in the most difficult 90s, and then no less difficult 2000s, the Laboratory team and the entire Institute did not stop dreaming and making plans for the construction of a new synchrotron booster. The project of this (already operating newly constructed) machine was also difficult and went through many hardships: different options for the structure/operating energy, magnetic system and even size and placement. As a result, it has happened and there is a contribution of everyone to this success. The new Booster has been produced by several talented and skilful generations of accelerator physicists and engineers, the best representatives of various national and international accelerator schools. It has been constructed in very close collaboration with our partners from BINP SB RAS, INR RAS, ITEP and IHEP NRC “Kurchatov Institute” and many other Russian and foreign institutes. This is a truly magnificent event that has happened thanks to your talent, hard work, well-coordinated and very hard but team work, and most importantly thanks to your faith in achieving the goal!
I sincerely congratulate all of you and your families who supported you over these years! I know exactly that the Institute and Dubna are very proud of you!
Glory to the Accelerator Department, Glory to VBLHEP, Glory to JINR!
Sincerely yours,
Grigory Trubnikov