On Friday, March 26, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Russian Federation Géza Andreas von Geyr visited VBLHEP and was given a tour. In the Synchrophasotron hall, the guest was met by our colleagues A. Butenko and A. Sidorin. V. Kekelidze told the ambassador about the progress in the implementation of the NICA complex, and S. Kostromin fully answered the questions of the guests who visited the high-technology line for the production of superconducting magnets for the NICA and FAIR (Germany) accelerator complexes.
On the same day, Plenipotentiary Representatives of the JINR Member States, Tsanko Bachiyski, Chairman of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency and Alexander G. Shumilin, Chairman of State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, together with their colleagues followed the same route.