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Объединенный семинар ЛФВЭ-ЛТФ
03.02.2023 @ 11:30 - 12:30
Chiral phase structure and deconfinement at finite magnetic fields at NICA
Abdel Nasser Tawfik
(Egypt, Future University in Egypt)
In characterizing the chiral phase structure of various meson states including pseudoscalars (Jpc=0-+), scalars (Jpc=0++), vectors (Jpc=1- -) and axial-vectors (Jpc=1++), we utilize Polyakov linear-sigma model (PLSM) in mean-field approximation. We focus on the region of large densities and finite magnetic fields. We first determine the chiral (non)strange quark condensates and the corresponding deconfinement order parameters, respectively, in thermal and dense medium and finite magnetic field. The temperature and the density characteristics of the nonet meson states normalized to the lowest bosonic Matsubara frequencies are also analyzed. We found that the magnetic field seems to have almost the same effect as that of density, especially on accelerating the phase transition, i.e., inverse magnetic catalysis.
We also found that the mass degeneracy of the various meson masses is enhanced in density medium. We conclude that the increasing in magnetic field seems to reduce the critical density, at which the chiral phase transition takes place. Finally, we suggest signatures to be measured in future facilities, such as NICA@JINR.
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