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Общелабораторный семинар ЛФВЭ
22.11.2024 @ 11:30
“Self-similarity and Cumulative Hadron Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at High Energies”
Докладчик: M.V. Tokarev (LHEP, JINR)
Hypothesis of the self-similarity of hadron production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions to search for the phase transition in nuclear matter is discussed. Using the established features of z-scaling is suggested to reveal the signatures of new physics in the cumulative region. Selection of cumulative events is assumed to enrich data samples by a new type of collisions characterized by higher energy density and more compressed matter. We expect that this will allow finding clearer signatures of phase transition, location of a critical point and studying extreme conditions in heavy ion collisions. The change in the parameters of the theory
(a specific heat and fractal dimensions) near the critical point is considered as a signature of new physics. The results of data analysis of cumulative production in p+A and A+A collisions in collider and fixed target mode are discussed.
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