After the successful completion of the technological run of the Booster, a record number of guests have visited the accelerator complex of the Laboratory in the past few days.
During the session of the JINR Scientific Council, some participants asked for an excursion to LHEP to see not only on slides, but also firsthand the progress of the implementation of the mega-science project “NICA Complex”. Member of the Scientific Council from the Czech Republic Stanislav Pospíšil, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of the Czech Technical University (Prague), was interested in monitoring the radiation environment at the accelerators of the Complex and was willing to share his experience and the technologies, which they successfully use at the LHC in the ATLAS experiment.

Following the scientists, Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of three JINR member states arrived at the Laboratory at once – Ambassador of Poland in the Russian Federation Krzysztof Krajewski, Ambassador of Slovakia in the Russian Federation Ľubomír Rehák and Ambassador of the Czech Republic in the Russian Federation Vítězslav Pivoňka. They visited the NICA construction site in the MPD Hall, the Booster and the magnet factory.

The week of visits ended on a high note with a concert of the Dubna Symphony Orchestra in the historic building of the Synchrophasotron!