On 15–16 September 2021, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) will host the International Round Table on Applied Research and Innovation at NICA, a new accelerator complex being constructed on the territory of the Dubna Science City within the framework of the agreement between JINR and Russian Government. The meeting will be held as a hybrid event combining the major virtual component with a limited in-person presence of local participants.
The Round Table is aimed at promoting new capabilities of the NICA complex for applied research in biology and medicine, radiation hardness of semiconductor devices, radiation materials science and development of newel nuclear power technologies. One of the key objectives of the event is to identify the interest of scientific community in establishing an internationally visible user programme of the NICA complex in the mentioned fields of applied research.
The core framework of the event will be the Scientific Programme, which includes invited talks of recognized experts in relevant fields of research, reports by JINR teams on the proposed activities as well as information on a current vision for the development of innovations at NICA and at JINR as a whole. Participants of the Round Table are the representatives of research, educational, industrial and commercial organizations of Russia, USA, Germany, Japan, Italy, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Moldova, Belarus, Australia, Belgium, South Africa and Uzbekistan. Each day of the meeting will end with a Round Table Discussion on particular user requirements for the dedicated NICA beamlines and supporting user environment.
The Round Table will help all the attending participants and potential users to identify the gates for cooperation with NICA and to create opportunities for further innovations and new initiatives.
The event is open for joining of a broad scientific audience, representatives of industrial, educational and commercial organizations as well as for students and young scientists.
Round Table web page: https://indico.jinr.ru/e/nica_round_table_2021
Contacts: Dr. Oleg V. Belov, Scientific Secretary of the Round Table
E-mail: dem@jinr.ru, phone: +7-496-216-28-47